Paper: From research to action: An academic researcher's perspective

Author(s) and Affiliation(s):
Joan M. Eakin
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Day/Time: Friday at 10:30
Room: Giovanni Room, 2nd Floor

From the standpoint of an academic researcher, to reflect on the stigma reduction collaboration between RAACWI, a SSHRC-funded “CURA” (Community University Research Alliance) and Ontario’s WSIB. The presentation focuses on the role of research and the researcher on the knowledge exchange and research-action process.


Auto-analysis of the presenter’s own experience as an academic researcher participating in the RAACWI-WSIB stigma reduction project, and in other research collaborations with the WSIB.


Academic researchers’ engagement in bringing research to action depends on their willingness and capacity to: 1) regard the process more as knowledge exchange than as knowledge transfer; 2) accept the transformation and evolution of intellectual capital and share ownership of emergent ideas and action; 3) get in the shoes of those using research knowledge and understand the institutional forces, organizational imperatives and power dynamics that govern "inside" knowledge and practices and responses to and uptake of "outside" knowledge; 4) step outside officially sanctioned and rewarded university roles, recognizing attendant risks and returns; 5) appreciate the length of time, particular context/circumstances, positioning, and interpersonal skills required to generate the level of trust and mutual respect required for successful collaborations.


The participation of academic researchers in successful initiatives like the RAACWI–WSIB project may depend on the confluence of a unique set of circumstances. Profound changes in the university may not work in favour of such collaborations in the future.